How I Share Essential Oils with my Boyfriend

I think I've made it clear by now that essential oils are everything to me.  In my opinion, they're called essential oils because they're essential (that's not really why, though, I'm just trying to be funny).  I talked about how I use them to better my mood and productivity over here, But I also use them in my cleaning and hygiene routines, and my diffuser is usually just hummin' away, making my house smell nice, all clean and good vibes-y.  So yeah, I'm pretty into it, and in classic "Andrea" style, my interest has turned into a bit of an obsession.

My boyfriend, however, like most humans, doesn't get immediately obsessed with new things, so while he enjoys the oils, he doesn't get too overly involved in the process.  For the most part, he doesn't  use them on his own, so if he's coming into contact with them, it's because of my scheming.  It's the loving, fun kind of scheming, but he tells me he enjoys it, and what's nice about essential oils is that using them on your partner means you get to smell it too, so you're getting some aromatherapy out of it.  It's kind of the gift that keeps on giving.


1.  Massage

Since my love language is touch, we both give and receive a lot of massage, and I honestly couldn't recommend it more.  Neither of us begrudges it, and after a long day, we both love it.  What I like to do is melt a little coconut oil in a bowl or jar (maybe 1/4 of a cup) and add a little lavender or eucalyptus oil (or both!) to it, and we massage each other's hands with our nice, DIY massage oil.

I've just got to add though, if you're using the oils topically (directly on your skin) you need to dilute them in some way.  Putting the oil on your skin directly is likely too strong.  I diluted mine in coconut oil, but there are lots of different carrier oils you can use.  You can even add a few drops into your lotion!  Keep your skin safe, people!

2.  In the air

Another great way to use essential oils is in your environment.  I personally feel like it improves the energy of my home, it makes our time feel more relaxed and it kind of helps cleaning pack a bit more of a punch than usual.  I have a gorgeous purifying blend that's full of things like tea tree and eucalyptus which helps to purify the air and gives a really crisp, woodsy smell.  I love diffusing that when I'm cleaning.  I kind of think about it like it's cleaning the air, and it makes the house smell SO CLEAN AND FRESH.

I also like to diffuse different oils for different reasons.  In the evening, I like to diffuse more relaxing oils (Lavender is my favourite right now), but uplifting, happy oils are my favourite the rest of the time.  Think citrus.  They're really stimulating, though, so if I'm already pretty caffeinated or wound up I'll pick one that's better for unwinding. 

3.  In his shower products

My honey wakes up super early for work and usually showers in the morning, so I figured he could use a little boost.  I usually add 4-5 drops of peppermint into his bottle of body wash, and we both love it.  It smells really clean and crisp, and it adds a really nice peppermint note to all of the body washes I've experimented on, so our hugs are getting creepily long.  He loves the smell, and says it feels tingly and refreshing on the skin.  Cooling peppermint is perfect for a little zip in a 5am shower. 

4.  In his skincare

My honey has a skin care routine, and I live for it.  It mostly involves taking my old things, but he's taking care of himself and that's what counts. 

His skincare mostly consists of a facewash, whatever moisturizer I'm currently using, and some type of essential oil.  If he's breaking out, he'll swipe a little tea tree oil to bring down the redness and calm it down, but I've also been known to sneak some orange essential oil to his moisturizer and he loved it.  "Why does this moisturizer smell happy?"

5.  In a warm bath

Is there any better way to spend time than in the bath?  No, absolutely not. 

My man snowboards all winter, so by the time he gets home from the hill, he's chilled and a little sore, and ready for a bath.  I like to draw him a bath in our nice, clean bathroom, maybe light him a candle, and get it all relaxing and cozy for him for when he gets home.  He really appreciates it, and the eucalyptus helps lots with his sore muscles and any congestion he might have going on from the cold

Chris and I enjoy a lot of closeness in our relationship, and that's because I've noticed we serve each other a lot in our daily lives.  Surprise baths, massages, and other little gestures really encourage us to spend time with each other, as well as enjoy the other's service for a long period of time.  When Chris gives me a massage, not only do I get to enjoy a massage, but I get to sit there in bliss, thinking about how great he is for the whole time.  When I run him a bath, he gets to sit there and enjoy it the entire time.  It's good to reflect on how great your partner is, and essential oils definitely have given me new ways to bring us together.